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How to Apply to UWC Romania

Any student, regardless of their socio-economic, religious, national, ethnic or cultural background, can apply to UWC via their UWC National Committee or the UWC Global Selection Programme. 

Applying through the UWC Romanian National Committee
  • Any Romanian student meeting the eligibility criteria may apply 
  • They may only apply for the offers received by UWC Romania National Committee in a given academic year - the list is published yearly, usually in October
  • Students who apply go through a national selection process that usually lasts from October to March 
  •  For more details, please refer to the informations provided here and here and here.
Applying through the UWC Global Selection Programme

The UWC Global Selection Programme (GSP) is designed for students who: 

  1. Who wish to apply 10-15 months before the beginning of the school year
  2. Who can pay the full fee for the UWC school or college to which they are successful in applying 
  3. Looking to attend a specific school or college.

Please carefully read the general information about How to Apply to UWC for an IBDP (International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme) here. 

Please carefully read the information about the UWC Global Selection Programme (GSP) here. 

If you have any questions, you may contact us at:

Useful Guides

These downloadable guides offer guidance, insight and advice for students, and parents of students, who want to advance their education and increase their impact on the world.